Anunțul De vânzare electrostivuitor Toyota RRE160R la cel mai bun ofertant a fost vândut și nu se mai găsește în lista de căutare!
Anunțuri asemănătoare
electrostivuitor Toyota RRE160H Toyota RRE160H 19.900 EUR Electrostivuitor 2017 1435 m/h Germania, Cologne
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electrostivuitor Toyota RRE160R
electrostivuitor Toyota RRE160R
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electrostivuitor Toyota RRE160R imagine 29
electrostivuitor Toyota RRE160R imagine 30
electrostivuitor Toyota RRE160R imagine 31
electrostivuitor Toyota RRE160R imagine 32
Marca:  Toyota
Modelul:  RRE160R
Anul:  2014
Durată de funcţionare:  1136 m/h
Capacitatea de încărcare:  1600 kg
Înălţimea de ridicare:  7 m
Locul de amplasare:  Norvegia Orkanger
Data publicării:  mai mult de o lună
Forkliftonline ID:  MY40112
Licitaţie:  1
Data efectuării:  2024-05-14 09:00
Data de sfârşit:  2024-05-23 10:00
Combustibil:  electro
Stare:  second hand

Informaţie suplimentară — Electrostivuitor Toyota RRE160R

Important sales information
Seller information
Denne auksjon er opprettet av Kristoffer Kvassman på vegne av selger.
For spørsmål kontakt
Utlevering av objekt må avtales direkte med selger minst 1 dag på forhand.
Kjøper alternativt transportselskap er ansvarlig for lasting av objekt hvis ikke selger har mulighet å bistå. Korrekte transportdokument er et krav for å få hente kjøpt objekt.
This auction is created by Kristoffer Kvassman on behalf of the seller.
For questions contact
Delivery of the Lot must be agreed directly with the seller at least 1 day in advance.
The buyer or the transport company is responsible for loading the object if the seller is not able to assist.
Correct documents for transport is required before collection of object can take place.
General conditions
Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
Hours Date: 11 Mar 2024
Asset overall condition: Fully functional during last use
Seller / Auction broker: Kristoffer Kvassman
Location: Orkanger, Norway
Toyota skyvemasttruck
Lite og pent brukt truck selges da den ikke får nok bruk
140 timer siden den ble kjøpt i 2021
Utstyrt med vekt og digital høydemåler
Luftfylte hjul istedet for kompakthjul
Type - RRE160R
Kapasitet - 1600kg
Løftehøyde - 7000mm
Vekt uten batteri - 2878
Batteri vekt - min 875
maks 1030
Timer - 1136t
Toyota Reach Truck
Small and lightly used truck for sale as it doesn't get enough use
140 hours since purchased in 2021
Equipped with weight and digital height meter
Type - RRE160R
Lifting height - 7000mm
Weight without battery - 2878
Battery weight - min 875
max 1030
Hours - 1136h
Electrostivuitoare Toyota
Găsit: 29 anunțuri